Friday, April 11, 2008

Bath Time

Now i wouldnt normally take bath photos. But i had to take this photo the other day to mark the occasion as it is the first time in over 2 years that Daniel has actually sat in the bath. A few years ago he was splashing with Ethan and he slipped under the water. He was under for a second and then was pulled out but since then he has never sat in the bath. he always stands and i have to wash him down! Bathtime for the past couple of years has been a real chore. It has always taken both Matt and I to wash his hair together as one of us had to hold him while the other washed! but the other day Daniel was standing and i asked him to sit. of course he said no. I got a little frustrated at him , but he seemed to ignore me. Then all of a sudden he is sitting and playing and having a great time. infact he asked if he gets really dirty could he have another bath!!! So finally bathtime is not so stressful.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Elder Dockings"

Aunty Erin all dressed for the cold windy wintery morning
off to maccas after the boys left for an early breakfast
Livy very excited to have her drink!
Brett and Scott with matts parents who were the boys mission prep teachers

about to leave early mornings seem to agree with Livy and she was even more excited and hyped then usual :) Shaun and Belle looking as bright as you can at that time of the morning ( yes it was before 6am!)

Brett and Scott left for there missions this morning. Both headed off to New Zealand for the MTC. (scott is staying in NZ while brett is going to Perth). They could not have had a worse morning to leave on. We have had a major wind storm all night and it was definately continuing as the plane left. I can only imagine what the turbulance would have been like !