Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Elder Dockings"

Aunty Erin all dressed for the cold windy wintery morning
off to maccas after the boys left for an early breakfast
Livy very excited to have her drink!
Brett and Scott with matts parents who were the boys mission prep teachers

about to leave early mornings seem to agree with Livy and she was even more excited and hyped then usual :) Shaun and Belle looking as bright as you can at that time of the morning ( yes it was before 6am!)

Brett and Scott left for there missions this morning. Both headed off to New Zealand for the MTC. (scott is staying in NZ while brett is going to Perth). They could not have had a worse morning to leave on. We have had a major wind storm all night and it was definately continuing as the plane left. I can only imagine what the turbulance would have been like !


Cas and Jared said...

Good luck to the boys! That's cool they both got to leave at the same time!
Cas xo

Nikki said...

Great pics kate. I'll have to get some of them for my blog...all my photos were shockers!!
I wonder how Brett and Scott are feeling right now?

Hannah Challis said...

Oh... you really did have no sleep that night Kate! Hope the plane trip was ok for the boys.

Dan and Lou said...

Hey Kate,
I got to see Scott and Brett a couple of sundays ago and they looked prety excited!
Your little family is growing up!
Luv Lou xx