Friday, February 25, 2011

School Time

The First day of school this year was a little tougher then most with the start of a new school. WE made a decision to move schools a couple of years ago as we were really happy with their old school and finally made the move this year. From the day we collected the school uniforms I could tell that we had made the right decision. It s a much nicer school in a much better area and has a much better feel for it. It was the school that I went to as a kids along with my brothers and all my Docking cousins so it has been nice being able to show the kids around.
I was so greatful in both the kids classes this year that they werent the only new kids which has made the transition easier. AFter. only a week at school Daniel has already come home with his first birthday party invite for the year! It is such a relief that they have started making friends and settling in well.

Russell Falls

During the School Holidays we didnt get to go away this time but we did manage a few small day trips. One of them was up to Mt Field National Park to see Russell Falls. The kids just love the falls. All 3 loved walking along the track looking for platypus and other animals. Zack loved being free to run around outside ( and the challenge was to keep him out of the water.)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

bits and pieces

These are just some random shots over the past few months. I have been very slack with my blog. It seems I just don't have much time at the moment. But my goal is to get back into it this year as it is a great way to record bits and pieces that we get up to. We haven't been up to much these holidays as we have had so much sickness ( including out car).

my little man

My Little ratbag. He is only a few months off being two and definately my biggest handful yet. This little guy loves to climb and do everything he knows he shouldn't do! He loves to take his clothes off and loves to show everyone his buttone (nipples)!. Yet no matter what he does it is so hard to get annoyed or angry with him when he flashes his gorgeous grin. I just love having a little person in the house again. It is so much fun.