Friday, February 29, 2008

Cold Season Has Begun.

I am really not a summer person. I hate the hot weather. Love it if i am away on a holiday, but for day to day living would much prefer the winter months. Infact i spend most of summer counting down until it ends. I love the feel of woodfires and being rugged up. However it is only just the end of summer and I have been struck down with this hideous cold. I can't breathe properly, can't smell anything, i ache all over and i can't even taste that yummy creamy delicious taste of cadbury chocolate. I had some before and due to lack of taste could not enjoy it so i figured it was just wasted calories! I just hope this cold isn't the beginning of a long winter of colds....and even more hope that the boys dont get sick. The one thing worse then being sick yourself is looking after a sick male of any age!

1 comment:

Simone Triffitt said...

Yeah I don't know of any male who does not complain at th slightest ache or pain. Hope the cold clears up soon. can't believe you count down summer. I am the exact opposite.