Wednesday, May 27, 2009

7 1/2 weeks

Now 7 1/2 weeks old. Some days it seems a lot longer then that! He is a fairly easy baby during the day. his "off days" are not nearly as bad as I have experience in the past, and even nights aren't really that bad. I have just been spoiled in the past with 2 babies that sleep through the night pretty much from day one. Zack on average wakes up once a night . occasionally he provides me with the gift of sleep and will sleep all night. other nights he choses to take that away and is up many times! I can only hope it will settle down soon. He has also started smiling this past week, and while we don't get smiles all the time yet I was able to capture one of his first on sunday night.


Simone Triffitt said...

I love that first pic. Captured a great big grin. Aah the only predictability about babies is their unpredictability!!

Hannah Challis said...

He sure is a cute little boy! Sounds like you have great sleeping babies!! Still, the bad nights are hard work - good luck!