Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Holidays would have been more fun if it hadnt rained but we still had fun!

Daniel and I did some cooking when Ethan went to auntie Lou's for the weekend.

Ethan having fun playing Guitar Hero

Eating Icecream (auntie Erin's treat) at Mures after fish and chips for lunch

At the museum

and I did get to buy myself a funky new bag these holidays ( made by Lisa Yost).

The boys were unimpressed with the weather these holidays. We had planned a lot of out door activities and lets just say we didnt get to do any of them due to all the rain. We did still find stuff to indoors but after 2 weeks indoors they were busting to go to school. Ethan did get to spend a few days at Auntie Lou's where he got to go to the movies and play in the bush with Connor, and we made it to the museum followed by lunch at mures...but we had lots of dvd's and ethan was even 'allowed' to play guitar hero on the nintendo WII which he loves...but normally only gets to have a go when Matt is playing as I dont like the idea of playstations etc. ( we have both nintendo and playstation but not one kids game....I guess I am a mean mum!).

1 comment:

Bride said...

sometimes it's nice when the weather is yucky because it means we have to hang out at home... But a bummer when you have fun stuff planned! Sounds like your boys had a good time despite the rain.