Tuesday, July 14, 2009

3 1/2 months

Zack loves lying on the floor and playing with his new toys that daddy bought him

Zack had his first cold / ear infection/ bad cough this past week resulting in his first lot of antibiotics. Despite being sick (and still is) he has been so good.
zack at 3 months is now
*Sleeping through the night ( from about 9.30pm to 7.30am)
*putting himself to sleep (most of the time )
* smiling and talking heaps
* moves head first along the floor while lying on his back
*loves to play with his toys
*still hates his baths and lets us know about it
*loves to "play" with his older brothers
*LOVES to be cuddled
He has become such an easy baby. Hardly ever cries and is so happy all the time.


Simone Triffitt said...

Third kids always seems to be good sleepers. I love that pic where he is sideways in the bouncer.

Nikki said...

Cute pics Kate.
I hope Zack gets better real soon. Ear infections must be so painful for little babies. But great to hear he's sleeping through!! :)

Bride said...

Your so lucky to have such a good little baby! And he is sooo cute