Thursday, August 6, 2009

Daniel's 6th Birthday

We had to move the sails of the ship so it didnt go up in flames as he lit it!. had that happen once before
lots of smoke after he has blown out the candles

Livy looking gorgeous with her hair in pig tails!

having fun together on the trampoline

Zack and Levi behaving nicely together

So I am a little behind on the blogging ( thanks to a week tonsilitis). So playing catch up here. Daniel had his 6th birthday the other week. We had a family BBQ lunch the Saturday before his birthday with mostly my side of the family. It was a nice quiet afternoon with no stress and hassle and plenty of food. The kids had fun playing outside and eating food. All Daniel cared about for his party was that cousin Levi was there. You would think that having his own baby brother at home would mean he didnt care too much for any other babies but he is always wanting to see baby Levi so he was very excited that Levi was there. He also had a great afternoon playing with Livy. She is at a really good age now where her and Daniel play really well together. Daniel chose a pirate ship cake as his birthday cake. Not my best cake I have ever done but I have certainly done worse!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Oh, I love all the pics!!
Livy had so much fun hanging with the boys. Daniel is such a sweetie loving Levi so much.
see ya on wednesday!