Monday, October 13, 2008

First scan

Today I had my first scan which was really exciting. Daniel got to come with me however he was a little confused. I had told him we were going to see the baby in my tummy today. So as they lady is doing the scan Daniel is looking closely to see when my stomach is going to open up so he can take a peak! It was very cute and he just didnt get that the baby was on the screen as it didnt look like a baby!
But baby (or Blob as Daniel has named it) is all good. Got all his (or her) parts. It was such a relief to finally see the baby and actually see the reason for why I have been so sick. And even better was I also got to enjoy the scan. Today is the first day in 4 weeks that I am headache free which is so nice. I feel SO normal today.

( and for those who asked due early April)


Hannah Challis said...

Very exciting Kate!! Poor Daniel - It's funny how we say things and expect them to understand us!! What else would you think if someone said you are going to see the baby in your tummy today!!! heheh You would expect to see a baby in your tummy!!!

Donna said...

Oh wow Kate, I am so excited for you news. Hope you are feeling better with each day that comes... Congrats to you all. xox