Monday, March 30, 2009

almost over

I had my final antenatal appointment this morning and was please to know that I am 3 cm dialated! I know this doesnt actually mean a lot as with Ethan I was 3cm for 5 days then induced but it is nice to know that my body is getting ready . Even though I am booked in for my C- section on friday and shouldnt really be hoping to go into labour... I can't help but hope a little as I am SO over it all. I am hating being uncomfortable and not being able to relax and sick of the constant backache. And I know when I go and visit Nikki and little Levi today that I am going to be wanting my baby even more!!!! But I guess no matter what in 3 1/2 days it will be all over and in a non - pregnant world 3 days isn't long.


Simone Triffitt said...

Wow I can't imagine already knowing when I am having a baby. Must be great for organising stuff but hard afterwards with the recovery. Wish you all the best for Fri. Matt will have to come home and blog for you while you're in hospital. :)

Kate Jury said...

recovery Isn't as bad as you would think. the worse bit is going into theatre! all the things that could possibly go wrong while being operated on. that Freaks me out :)

Claire said...

You're a brave girl! Don't know how I would handle a c-section. Wishing you all the best for Friday. Hope everything goes well!!

Kristy said...

Good luck on Friday! I will be thinking of you :).

Aimee said...

All the very best Kate! So nice you and nik can have newbrons together.
Those last final days are so uncomfortable but it'll all be worth it in the end!
thinking of you.