Friday, October 16, 2009

The School Bully - a mothers fight

All year Ethan has been battling a kid at school .This kid has not only spent the year teasing him but also kicking, punching, shoving, throwing mud and getting his gang of little friends to chase, circle and trap Ethan as they try to scare and hurt him. For a long time Ethan didn't tell me about this, but as soon as he did I marched down to his school angry that this had been allowed to happen. I went to see his teacher who played dumb to all this ( come on some of this was happening in her classroom). She is either lying or really does not pay attention to the kids. However I did eventually get a call from the schools vice principal advising that the issue was being dealt with and that I was not the first parent to complain about this child.
Things seemed to settle down for a while until yesterday when Ethan advised that it was happening again. So this morning I went in to see the teacher again who then turned to me and told that Ethan needed to stay out of his way, and what was Ethan doing to provoke it and that she couldnt do anything unless she saw it with her own eyes. As I left school this morning I was mad. I hopped in the car and all the way home I was fuming at this condesending teacher. How dare she blame Ethan who is the worlds nicest kid and NEVER intentionally is mean to anyone ( other then his brother!).
I got so mad that I rang the school and demanded to speak to the vice principal.. I made my complaint about the boy and then made my complaint against that horrible teacher. I very firmly advised the school that they had a duty of care to protect my child and that if it was an adult doing these things it would be a police matter. I then Advised that I would go to whatever lengths to protect him, stepping on whoever I needed to in the process.......

Now hoping there will be changes. I think the school has got the message... I am one mother not to be messed with.


Melinda said...

Good on you!

ash_w said...

I hope things start to get better. It really sucks to be bullied at school.

Hannah Challis said...

So glad you spoke up! And I really hope things are improving! x

Claire said...

Go Kate!!! I think it would be one of the worst things to have a child bullied, I can't believe the teacher wouldn't admit she knew about it.